Saturday, June 30, 2007

tippy is naughty

Tippy is in dog jail, mom says don't shred tissue. A guy can't have any fun around here.


Ume said...

oops Tippy! i hope u get out of jail soon... i noe how fun it is to shred tissue, i'm totally with u...

Ivy said...

poor tippy! shredding tissues is one of the greater joys of life! how can you be denied such a fun thing to do?

i am a very very good dog most of the time but tissues are my weakness too!

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Hi, Tippy!

We found you through Dogs With Blogs. You poor thing to be in jail. We have to stay in jail when Mom is at work. Our mom won't let us shred tissues either. What's up with that?

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Marie said...

I get put in jail at night and sometimes during the day too when my mom goes to work! :( BUT! Mom always spends LOTS of time with me when she comes home. It makes up for it! :)